Conflict affected states with high corruption rates pose enormous challenges for long-term sustainable development, good governance and effective and just rule of law.
Government institutions which are transparent and accountable to citizens, maximum participation in democratic process, effective rule of law, and transparent elections where people from all ethnic groups, gender, and race can peacefully participate are all the major elements of democratic governance. Conflict affected states with high corruption rate poses enormous and difficult challenges for long-term sustainable development, good governance, and reform restoration.
RSI provides results-based research to improve the effectiveness of local governance programs, creates way to improve government services, and make public services responsive to the needs of local people. RSI’s support to clients and key stakeholders in under developed and conflict states helps to transform processes and institutions towards longer-term development, solution, and governance.
Range of Services
- Local Governance Programs-strategy development, program design, monitoring and evaluation in fragile states paving the way for longer-term development.
- Decentralization and Participation in Local Governance-increasing participation, accountability and transparency at all levels of government by working with state and non-state actors.
- Rule of Law Programs -strengthening organizations and networks and their capacity to advocate for rule of law and governance reform.
Related Sample Projects
Project Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Support to USAID/ Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope and Resilience (SHAHAR)
Start-End Date: Jan 2015 – November 2017
Description of Activities: RSI is subcontract to DAI for Strong Hubs for Afghan Hopes and Resilience (SHAHAR). RSI established the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for SHAHAR and is currently implementing it through its qualified embedded staff.
Locations (Provinces): 20 provinces (municipalities)
Client Address: Development Alternatives, Inc. 7600 Wisconsin Ave, St, 200. Bethesda, MD 20814
Contact Person: Van James, M&E Technical Advisor
Email and Phone: Available Upon Request
Project Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Support to USAID/ Afghanistan Legal Access and Transparency (ADALAT)
Start-End Date: July 2016 – June 2021
Description of Activities: As part of RSI’s Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) support to USAID ADALAT, RSI conducted a baseline [sample size=1,000] for Afghanistan Legal Access and Transparency (ADALAT), and will be conducting midline, endline, (each of sample size = 1,000]
Locations (Provinces): 8 provinces
Client: USAID/ Checchi Consulting
Client Address: Checchi and Company Consulting, Inc. 1899 L St, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
Contact Person: Aimee Rose, M&E Practice Manager
Email and Phone: Available Upon Request
Project Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Support to USAID/ Services Under Program and Project offices for Results Tracking (SUPPORT)
Start-End Date: July 2011– June 2013
Description of Activities: As part of RSI’s Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) support to USAID SUPPORT project, RSI conducted the impact evaluation of the Sub-National Governance Gender Analysis
Locations (Provinces): 11 provinces
Client: USAID/ Checchi Consulting
Client Address: Checchi and Company Consulting, Inc. 1899 L St, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
Contact Person: Aimee Rose, M&E Practice Manager
Email and Phone: Available Upon Request