Area of Expertise: Education

Equitable access to quality education for all is a key link in fighting global poverty.

Parallel to economic growth and employment, education is central to development with its potential to empower both men and women of all ages. Despite its significant importance, a large segment of Afghan population is uneducated, and lack access to basic and quality education. This large segment of the population is based in rural areas, many of them young girls.

RSI understands the need for comprehensive, and integrated approaches to quality education. We support education sector organizations, programs, policies and services that work to provide quality education for all, including girls and women in under-served areas.

Range of Services

  • Strategic Planning and Program Design-participatory and results-based planning expertise to enhance performance of education projects, programs and policies
  • Performance Monitoring and Evaluation-design and implementation monitoring and evaluation system to enhance performance in education projects, programs, and policies.

Related Sample Projects

Project Title: Monitoring & Evaluation support to USAID/Resources, Skills, and Capacities in Early Grade Reading in Afghanistan
Start-End Date: August 2015 to July 2017.
Description of Activities: The second largest Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) in the world, RSI is subcontract to Chemonics International to provide data collection services to 1,265 schools across Afghanistan with more than 18,000 students from grade 2nd and 4th.
Locations (Provinces): All 34 provinces of Afghanistan
Client: USAID/Chemonics Int.
Client Address: 1717 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20
Email and Phone: Available Upon Request

Project Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Support to Central Asia Institute (CAI)
Start-End Date: May 2016 – Dec 2016
Description of Activities: RSI has a prime contract with Central Asian Institute (CAI) – Afghanistan. RSI support includes establishing and implementing the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for CAI funded projects in Afghanistan.
Locations (Provin
Client Address: Central Asian Institute (CAI), 2409 W. Main Street, Suite 1, Bozeman, MT 59718

Contact Person: Jennifer Sipes, Operation Director, Or Jim Thaden, Executive Director
Email and Phone: Available Upon Request

Project Title: Independent Assessment of the Vocational Skills Training in Afghanistan
Start-End Date: June 2011 – Dec 2011
Description of Activities: DfiD-funded project to understand the vocational skills training landscape in Afghanistan.  Survey involved a total of 30 PSUs and three qualitative, semi-structured interviews.
Locations (Provinces):  8 provinces of Afghanistan
Client: DFID Afghanistan
Client Address: DFID, Kabul, Afghanistan
Contact Person: Masuda Sultan, Chief Executive Director
Email and Phone: Managing Partner,