Gender & Women’s Empowerment

Equitable empowerment of both genders is critical for sustainable development and fighting against poverty.

To empower women to make decisions about their own lives, both men and women needs to be equally empowered to overcome the social stigma and other barriers for women’s empowerment.

RSI’s work analyzes the effects of program on both men and women of various social-economic statuses into  women’s empowerment projects. We support organizations, programs, policies and services that work to empower women and girls.

Range of Services

  • Performance Monitoring and Evaluation-design and implementation monitoring and evaluation systems for women empowerment projects, programs, and policies.
  • Process Evaluation-participatory and results-based approaches to conduct process evaluations to improve performance and intended results of gender programs, programs, and policies.
  • Impact Evaluation-design and implementation a robust and rigorous impact evaluation to measure and improve impact of gender projects, programs, and policies.

Related Sample Projects

Project Title:  Monitoring and Evaluation Support to USAID/ Promoting Gender Equity in National Priority Programs (PROMOTE) – all four task orders
Start-End Date:  June 2015 – June 2020
Description of Activities: Under a prime contract with USAID Afghanistan, RSI has established the advanced technology based Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for Promoting Gender Equity in National Priority Programs (PROMOTE) to implement one of the largests Randomized Control Trial (RCT) for PROMOTE – all four task orders, including Women in Economy (WIE), Women in Leadership (WLD), Women in Government (WIG), and Musharikat. Three implementing agencies including DAI, Chemonics Int., and Tetra Tech are responsible for implementation of PROMOTE.
Locations (Provinces): 20 provinces [including all regional hubs]
Client: USAID
Client Address: Great Masood Circle, Kabul, Afghanistan
Contact Person: Charles Lewis, Deputy Director | Senior Gender Advisor, USAID Gender Office
Email and Phone: Available Upon Request

Project Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Support to USAID/ Promoting Gender Equity in National Priority Programs (PROMOTE) – all four task orders
Start-End Date: June 2015 – June 2020
Description of Activities: Under a prime contract with USAID Afghanistan, RSI conducts Independent Third Party Monitoring of USAID PROMOTE project – all four task orders, including Women in Economy (WIE), Women in Leadership (WLD), Women in Government (WIG), and Musharikat. Three implementing agencies including DAI, Chemonics Int., and Tetra Tech are responsible for implementation of PROMOTE. RSI conducts up to 30 independent field-monitoring missions per month.
Locations (Provinces): 20 provinces [including all regional hubs]
Client: USAID
Client Address: Great Masood Circle, Kabul, Afghanistan
Contact Person: Charles Lewis, Deputy Director | Senior Gender Advisor, USAID Gender Office
Email and Phone: Available Upon Request

Project Title: Baseline for USAID/ Promoting Gender Equity in National Priority Programs (PROMOTE)
Start-End Date: Sept 2014 – Feb 2016
Description of Activities: RSI was awarded the Task Order 1 under the largest women’s empowerment program in Afghanistan, called PROMOTE. RSI established baseline for this project, where it interviewed 6,400 (50% female) across eight provinces of Afghanistan. The baseline captured data on young women aged 18 – 30. Currently, RSI is working to design a biometric M&E system for all TOs implemented by three IPs; DAI, Chemonics, and Tetra Tech.
Locations (Provinces): 8 provinces [including all regional hubs]
Client: USAID
Client Address: Great Masood Circle, Kabul, Afghanistan
Contact Person: Charles Lewis, Deputy Director | Senior Gender Advisor, USAID Gender Office
Email and Phone: Available Upon Request

Project Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Support to USAID/ PROMOTE – Women in Economy Task Orders
Start-End Date: June 2015 – June 2020
Description of Activities: RSI is subcontract to DAI for Women in Economy (WIE) task order of USAID funded Promoting Gender Equity in National Priority Programs (PROMOTE). RSI established the advanced technology based Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for PROMOTE-WIE. RSI’s qualified embedded staff on the project is implementing the established M&E system.
Locations (Provinces): 20 provinces
Client Address: Development Alternatives, Inc. 7600 Wisconsin Ave, St, 200. Bethesda, MD 20814
Contact Person: Michelle Morgan, Chief of Party (COP), and Dawn Hayden, Technical Service Manager
Email and Phone: Available Upon Request

Project Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Support to USAID/ PROMOTE – Women in Economy Task Order
Start-End Date: June 2015 – June 2020
Description of Activities: As part of RSI’s subcontract to DAI for Women in Economy (WIE) task order, RSI conducts various assessments including program baseline, midline/endline, and activity specific impact assessment or effectiveness studies.
Locations (Provinces): 20 provinces [all regional hubs]
Client Address: Development Alternatives, Inc. 7600 Wisconsin Ave, St, 200. Bethesda, MD 20814
Contact Person: Michelle Morgan, Chief of Party (COP), and Dawn Hayden, Technical Service Manager
Email and Phone: Available Upon Request

Project Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Support to Market for Female Afghan Artisans (MFAA)
Start-End Date: April 2014 – August 2014
Description of Activities: Under a prime contract with DFID Afghanistan, RSI conducted an Independent Impact Assessment of the Market for Female Afghan Artisans (MFAA) Program. The program was geared to socially and economically empower women through increased vocational skills leading them to gain and retain jobs in the local market.
Locations (Provinces): 11 provinces [four regional hubs]
Client: DFID
Client Address: DFID, 15th Street, Roundabout Wazir Akbar Khan, Kabul, Afghanistan
Contact Person: Noor Alam Hakimyar, Private Sector Development Advisor – Growth and Livelihood
Email and Phone: Available Upon Request